خانه جستجو
note 7 - نتایج جستوجو
اگر شما از این نتیجه راضی نیستید می توانید جستجوی دیگری انجام دهید
Nokia E65 قدم در قلمروی ارتباط
Although it's not as big as other E series, Nokia E65 with its sliding design is a small but powerful phone. Here we take a look to this new product of Nokia.
W850 واکمن متفاوت
Sony Ericsson announced it's new W850 model that is a beautiful phone and walkman. Here you can read a Persian review of this new mobile phone.
لامبورگینی دوهستهای Asus
Notebooks don't come much more exclusive than this. Asus and Lamborgini have teamed up and added the VX1 to an impressive stable which already includes the Gallardo and the Murcielago.