خانه جستجو
note 8 - نتایج جستوجو
اگر شما از این نتیجه راضی نیستید می توانید جستجوی دیگری انجام دهید
SonyEricsson G700 فرشته نجات
The Sony Ericsson G700 is set to hit the shelves this June,retailing for around 250 Euro, which automatically makes it the cheapest touchscreen-enabled smartphone around,It packs in a quite decent camera, fairly good sound, and, more importantly, the paneled interface that makes moving around the G700 a snap. stay with us to take a look at this smartphone.
Nokia E65 قدم در قلمروی ارتباط
Although it's not as big as other E series, Nokia E65 with its sliding design is a small but powerful phone. Here we take a look to this new product of Nokia.
لامبورگینی دوهستهای Asus
Notebooks don't come much more exclusive than this. Asus and Lamborgini have teamed up and added the VX1 to an impressive stable which already includes the Gallardo and the Murcielago.
تجربه استفاده از Microsoft Office 2007
It is a complete review on Microsoft Office 2007 in Persian. It is completely different from other releases and has many facilities for working with it.